"Roman's Soul" Troupe & Class (by invitation only)



  1. This particular registration is by audition/invitation only. Please contact angelbellydance@yahoo.com for this request.

  2. For those who have been approved: Read ALL info and register below.

At this time, Roman’s Soul will meet for class & rehearsal on Feb 19th, Feb 26th, March 5th & March 12th. For this session, I will be offering a short 4-week series. The topic will be "Latin-Bellydance Fusion". This is designed for Intermediate and Advanced Level Dancers. “Roman’s Soul” Troupe rehearsal will be held at the same time.

This session is only accepting 15 members.

Please read all below before sending payment.

Class Details
Where: Feb dates will be held at Angel’s private studio. The March dates will be held at Bellywood Studios (10325 Orangewood Blvd. Unit 109, Orlando, Florida 32831). NOTE: Registration will only be processed through instructor (G. Angel Roman), not Bellywood Studios.
Dates: Feb 19th, Feb 26th, March 5th & March 12th
Time: 6:45pm- 8:45pm
Rate:$130 OR DISCOUNTED RATE of $110 if paid on or before Feb 16th. These rates inlcudes 8 hrs total (4 learning new choreo AND 4 rehearsals).
Payment: Secure online payment below. Contact me with questions angelbellydance@yahoo.com or (352) 988-4770

Class Policies:

  1. Registration will only be processed through instructor (G. Angel Roman …not Bellywood Studios).

  2. Angel has the right to remove anyone from any troupe performance, class or rehearsal at any time with no refund.

  3. Angel shall not be held liabel for any failure of or delay in the performance of her duties if such failure, delay or cancellation is due to causes beyond including but not limited to hurricane, tropical storm, flooding, illness, strike, acts of God, war, labor disputes, government orders or any other force majeure event. If such circumstances should arrive, class/rehearsal will either be postponed to a further date or will be made up online at the day/date time set by Angel.

  4. (A) No refunds or pro-rates will be given for missed classes. (B) Missed technique classes may be made up in any online technique class by Angel within 90 days of purchase despite amount of classes provided throughout said 90 days. This missed class make up policy is for technique classes only. Unfortunately, the only make up which can be provided for a missed rehearsal is what is described below in #5 of “Troupe Policies”.

  5. Recording of class content, choreography, drills and/or combos created/taught by G. Angel Roman is not permitted unless approved by G. Angel Roman.

  6. Sharing, displaying, posting, performing and/or producing of class content, choreography, drills, combos, etc. created/taught by G. Angel Roman is not permitted unless authorized by G. Angel Roman.

  7. In the event that Angel Bellydance grants permission of posting, performing, teaching, sharing or producing any combos, drills, choreography, etc. taught by Angel Bellydance, compensation may apply. Rates will vary and must be discussed with Angel Bellydance via email or text.

  8. In the event that G. Angel Roman grants permission of performing, posting, sharing, producing or teaching class combos, drills, choreography, etc. taught/created by Angel Bellydance, credits, tags, etc., must be displayed in text (if possible) and acknowledged verbally (if possible) to Angel Bellydance whether on social media, live stream, television, and or any live events/performances.

  9. To attend classes/rehearsals/performances, students must be up to date with all payments. All payments must be made online prior to class or upon arrival to classes/rehearsal.

  10. No refunds will be given for tardiness for on-line or in person classes. Missed classes may be made up in any of Angel’s online classes within 90 days of purchase dispite the amount of classes offered within said 90 days.

  11. For all new students: Upon arrival to the first class, students must sign 5 short documents provided by G. Angel Roman (Waiver and Release Form, Class Policies, Covid Waiver, Troupe policies and an optional Photo/Video release form).

  12. Inappropriate comments, inappropriate behavior, or failure to comply with policies are grounds for immediate dismissal with no refunds for online and/or in person classes.


  1. Troupe is NOT Mandatory.Participating in technique class only (no troupe) is completely reasonable. Angel has plenty of students who come just to take tech class and leave immediately after due to lack of time to commit to rehearsals/performances.

  2. Roman’s Soul is a “semi pro troupe” with limited rehearsal time. All members have a responsibility to rehearse on their own. Choreography will be taught once. After that one day, each member must rehearse/memorize on their own time and are expected to have it memorized in all future rehearsals. Rehearsals there after will be dedicated to cleaning and polishing.

  3. Although Angel encourages members to perform in all shows, troupe members are NOT obligated to perform in any show at all. If a member finds themself unable to commit to an upcoming performance, let Angel know ASAP (BEFORE formations are set). Angel and other members spend many hours working on formations so we must all be courteous of this matter.

  4. All dancers will be given a deadline 4-5 weeks before all performances. By that deadline, Angel will either ask you to perform the upcoming performance choeo in front of class in a rehearsal OR Angel may request a video submission of yourself doing the dance 3x’s in a row with no mistakes. Angel’s request may vary from performance to performance. This “audition process” will apply for ALL dancers (even for those who have already performed the choreography 10x’s before). If any dancers are not STAGE READY by deadline, Angel will ask the unprepared dancer to wait till the next performance. All Roman’s Soul performances must be stage-ready at least 3-4 rehearsals ahead of time.

  5. To be eligible to perform with Roman’s Soul, troupe members must attend at least 70% of technique classes AND 70% of rehearsals of its current session. If a troupe member has missed too many rehearsals/classes and wishes to complete the 70% attendance policy, he/she may do so by making it up in a private session with Angel . Rate of private sessions for rehearsals are $75 per class (additional studio rent fee may apply if applicable), however this rate/private slot can be split with another student to economize. If Angel is unavailable to conduct a private lesson, members may hold a private lesson under instruction of Angel’s current choro-captain. Angel must approve this lesson. Rates/location of the rehearsal with choreo-captain may vary.

  6. There is limited space in Roman’s Soul Troupe. Therefore, troupe member spots are not guaranteed after extended leaves of absences.

  7. Angel shall not be held liable for any failure of or delay in the performance of her duties if such failure, delay or cancellation is due to causes beyond including but not limited to hurricane, tropical storm, flooding, illness, strike, acts of God, war, labor disputes, government orders or any other force majeure event. If such circumstances should arrive, class/rehearsal will either be postponed to a future date or will be made up online at the day/date time set by Angel.

  8. (A) No refunds or prorates will given for missed classes. (B) Missed technique classes may be made up in any online technique class by G. Angel Roman within 90 days of purchase despite amount of classes provided throughout said 90 days. This missed class make up policy is for technique class only. Unforunately, the only make up which can be provided for a missed rehearsal is what was described above in #5.

  9. Please keep in mind that Angel spends countless uncompensated hours towards our troupe with other duties such as video/written critiques, creating/sending video tutorials, organizing upcoming shows, creating choreo and formations, ect.

  10. Angel reserves the right to remove anyone at anytime from troupe, class or performance with no refund.

    How to sign up:

  • Click the "Add to Cart" button.

  • Fill out the form.

  • Go to your cart to send payment.

  • Look for your email receipt shortly!

Add to Cart


  1. This particular registration is by audition/invitation only. Please contact angelbellydance@yahoo.com for this request.

  2. For those who have been approved: Read ALL info and register below.

At this time, Roman’s Soul will meet for class & rehearsal on Feb 19th, Feb 26th, March 5th & March 12th. For this session, I will be offering a short 4-week series. The topic will be "Latin-Bellydance Fusion". This is designed for Intermediate and Advanced Level Dancers. “Roman’s Soul” Troupe rehearsal will be held at the same time.

This session is only accepting 15 members.

Please read all below before sending payment.

Class Details
Where: Feb dates will be held at Angel’s private studio. The March dates will be held at Bellywood Studios (10325 Orangewood Blvd. Unit 109, Orlando, Florida 32831). NOTE: Registration will only be processed through instructor (G. Angel Roman), not Bellywood Studios.
Dates: Feb 19th, Feb 26th, March 5th & March 12th
Time: 6:45pm- 8:45pm
Rate:$130 OR DISCOUNTED RATE of $110 if paid on or before Feb 16th. These rates inlcudes 8 hrs total (4 learning new choreo AND 4 rehearsals).
Payment: Secure online payment below. Contact me with questions angelbellydance@yahoo.com or (352) 988-4770

Class Policies:

  1. Registration will only be processed through instructor (G. Angel Roman …not Bellywood Studios).

  2. Angel has the right to remove anyone from any troupe performance, class or rehearsal at any time with no refund.

  3. Angel shall not be held liabel for any failure of or delay in the performance of her duties if such failure, delay or cancellation is due to causes beyond including but not limited to hurricane, tropical storm, flooding, illness, strike, acts of God, war, labor disputes, government orders or any other force majeure event. If such circumstances should arrive, class/rehearsal will either be postponed to a further date or will be made up online at the day/date time set by Angel.

  4. (A) No refunds or pro-rates will be given for missed classes. (B) Missed technique classes may be made up in any online technique class by Angel within 90 days of purchase despite amount of classes provided throughout said 90 days. This missed class make up policy is for technique classes only. Unfortunately, the only make up which can be provided for a missed rehearsal is what is described below in #5 of “Troupe Policies”.

  5. Recording of class content, choreography, drills and/or combos created/taught by G. Angel Roman is not permitted unless approved by G. Angel Roman.

  6. Sharing, displaying, posting, performing and/or producing of class content, choreography, drills, combos, etc. created/taught by G. Angel Roman is not permitted unless authorized by G. Angel Roman.

  7. In the event that Angel Bellydance grants permission of posting, performing, teaching, sharing or producing any combos, drills, choreography, etc. taught by Angel Bellydance, compensation may apply. Rates will vary and must be discussed with Angel Bellydance via email or text.

  8. In the event that G. Angel Roman grants permission of performing, posting, sharing, producing or teaching class combos, drills, choreography, etc. taught/created by Angel Bellydance, credits, tags, etc., must be displayed in text (if possible) and acknowledged verbally (if possible) to Angel Bellydance whether on social media, live stream, television, and or any live events/performances.

  9. To attend classes/rehearsals/performances, students must be up to date with all payments. All payments must be made online prior to class or upon arrival to classes/rehearsal.

  10. No refunds will be given for tardiness for on-line or in person classes. Missed classes may be made up in any of Angel’s online classes within 90 days of purchase dispite the amount of classes offered within said 90 days.

  11. For all new students: Upon arrival to the first class, students must sign 5 short documents provided by G. Angel Roman (Waiver and Release Form, Class Policies, Covid Waiver, Troupe policies and an optional Photo/Video release form).

  12. Inappropriate comments, inappropriate behavior, or failure to comply with policies are grounds for immediate dismissal with no refunds for online and/or in person classes.


  1. Troupe is NOT Mandatory.Participating in technique class only (no troupe) is completely reasonable. Angel has plenty of students who come just to take tech class and leave immediately after due to lack of time to commit to rehearsals/performances.

  2. Roman’s Soul is a “semi pro troupe” with limited rehearsal time. All members have a responsibility to rehearse on their own. Choreography will be taught once. After that one day, each member must rehearse/memorize on their own time and are expected to have it memorized in all future rehearsals. Rehearsals there after will be dedicated to cleaning and polishing.

  3. Although Angel encourages members to perform in all shows, troupe members are NOT obligated to perform in any show at all. If a member finds themself unable to commit to an upcoming performance, let Angel know ASAP (BEFORE formations are set). Angel and other members spend many hours working on formations so we must all be courteous of this matter.

  4. All dancers will be given a deadline 4-5 weeks before all performances. By that deadline, Angel will either ask you to perform the upcoming performance choeo in front of class in a rehearsal OR Angel may request a video submission of yourself doing the dance 3x’s in a row with no mistakes. Angel’s request may vary from performance to performance. This “audition process” will apply for ALL dancers (even for those who have already performed the choreography 10x’s before). If any dancers are not STAGE READY by deadline, Angel will ask the unprepared dancer to wait till the next performance. All Roman’s Soul performances must be stage-ready at least 3-4 rehearsals ahead of time.

  5. To be eligible to perform with Roman’s Soul, troupe members must attend at least 70% of technique classes AND 70% of rehearsals of its current session. If a troupe member has missed too many rehearsals/classes and wishes to complete the 70% attendance policy, he/she may do so by making it up in a private session with Angel . Rate of private sessions for rehearsals are $75 per class (additional studio rent fee may apply if applicable), however this rate/private slot can be split with another student to economize. If Angel is unavailable to conduct a private lesson, members may hold a private lesson under instruction of Angel’s current choro-captain. Angel must approve this lesson. Rates/location of the rehearsal with choreo-captain may vary.

  6. There is limited space in Roman’s Soul Troupe. Therefore, troupe member spots are not guaranteed after extended leaves of absences.

  7. Angel shall not be held liable for any failure of or delay in the performance of her duties if such failure, delay or cancellation is due to causes beyond including but not limited to hurricane, tropical storm, flooding, illness, strike, acts of God, war, labor disputes, government orders or any other force majeure event. If such circumstances should arrive, class/rehearsal will either be postponed to a future date or will be made up online at the day/date time set by Angel.

  8. (A) No refunds or prorates will given for missed classes. (B) Missed technique classes may be made up in any online technique class by G. Angel Roman within 90 days of purchase despite amount of classes provided throughout said 90 days. This missed class make up policy is for technique class only. Unforunately, the only make up which can be provided for a missed rehearsal is what was described above in #5.

  9. Please keep in mind that Angel spends countless uncompensated hours towards our troupe with other duties such as video/written critiques, creating/sending video tutorials, organizing upcoming shows, creating choreo and formations, ect.

  10. Angel reserves the right to remove anyone at anytime from troupe, class or performance with no refund.

    How to sign up:

  • Click the "Add to Cart" button.

  • Fill out the form.

  • Go to your cart to send payment.

  • Look for your email receipt shortly!


  1. This particular registration is by audition/invitation only. Please contact angelbellydance@yahoo.com for this request.

  2. For those who have been approved: Read ALL info and register below.

At this time, Roman’s Soul will meet for class & rehearsal on Feb 19th, Feb 26th, March 5th & March 12th. For this session, I will be offering a short 4-week series. The topic will be "Latin-Bellydance Fusion". This is designed for Intermediate and Advanced Level Dancers. “Roman’s Soul” Troupe rehearsal will be held at the same time.

This session is only accepting 15 members.

Please read all below before sending payment.

Class Details
Where: Feb dates will be held at Angel’s private studio. The March dates will be held at Bellywood Studios (10325 Orangewood Blvd. Unit 109, Orlando, Florida 32831). NOTE: Registration will only be processed through instructor (G. Angel Roman), not Bellywood Studios.
Dates: Feb 19th, Feb 26th, March 5th & March 12th
Time: 6:45pm- 8:45pm
Rate:$130 OR DISCOUNTED RATE of $110 if paid on or before Feb 16th. These rates inlcudes 8 hrs total (4 learning new choreo AND 4 rehearsals).
Payment: Secure online payment below. Contact me with questions angelbellydance@yahoo.com or (352) 988-4770

Class Policies:

  1. Registration will only be processed through instructor (G. Angel Roman …not Bellywood Studios).

  2. Angel has the right to remove anyone from any troupe performance, class or rehearsal at any time with no refund.

  3. Angel shall not be held liabel for any failure of or delay in the performance of her duties if such failure, delay or cancellation is due to causes beyond including but not limited to hurricane, tropical storm, flooding, illness, strike, acts of God, war, labor disputes, government orders or any other force majeure event. If such circumstances should arrive, class/rehearsal will either be postponed to a further date or will be made up online at the day/date time set by Angel.

  4. (A) No refunds or pro-rates will be given for missed classes. (B) Missed technique classes may be made up in any online technique class by Angel within 90 days of purchase despite amount of classes provided throughout said 90 days. This missed class make up policy is for technique classes only. Unfortunately, the only make up which can be provided for a missed rehearsal is what is described below in #5 of “Troupe Policies”.

  5. Recording of class content, choreography, drills and/or combos created/taught by G. Angel Roman is not permitted unless approved by G. Angel Roman.

  6. Sharing, displaying, posting, performing and/or producing of class content, choreography, drills, combos, etc. created/taught by G. Angel Roman is not permitted unless authorized by G. Angel Roman.

  7. In the event that Angel Bellydance grants permission of posting, performing, teaching, sharing or producing any combos, drills, choreography, etc. taught by Angel Bellydance, compensation may apply. Rates will vary and must be discussed with Angel Bellydance via email or text.

  8. In the event that G. Angel Roman grants permission of performing, posting, sharing, producing or teaching class combos, drills, choreography, etc. taught/created by Angel Bellydance, credits, tags, etc., must be displayed in text (if possible) and acknowledged verbally (if possible) to Angel Bellydance whether on social media, live stream, television, and or any live events/performances.

  9. To attend classes/rehearsals/performances, students must be up to date with all payments. All payments must be made online prior to class or upon arrival to classes/rehearsal.

  10. No refunds will be given for tardiness for on-line or in person classes. Missed classes may be made up in any of Angel’s online classes within 90 days of purchase dispite the amount of classes offered within said 90 days.

  11. For all new students: Upon arrival to the first class, students must sign 5 short documents provided by G. Angel Roman (Waiver and Release Form, Class Policies, Covid Waiver, Troupe policies and an optional Photo/Video release form).

  12. Inappropriate comments, inappropriate behavior, or failure to comply with policies are grounds for immediate dismissal with no refunds for online and/or in person classes.


  1. Troupe is NOT Mandatory.Participating in technique class only (no troupe) is completely reasonable. Angel has plenty of students who come just to take tech class and leave immediately after due to lack of time to commit to rehearsals/performances.

  2. Roman’s Soul is a “semi pro troupe” with limited rehearsal time. All members have a responsibility to rehearse on their own. Choreography will be taught once. After that one day, each member must rehearse/memorize on their own time and are expected to have it memorized in all future rehearsals. Rehearsals there after will be dedicated to cleaning and polishing.

  3. Although Angel encourages members to perform in all shows, troupe members are NOT obligated to perform in any show at all. If a member finds themself unable to commit to an upcoming performance, let Angel know ASAP (BEFORE formations are set). Angel and other members spend many hours working on formations so we must all be courteous of this matter.

  4. All dancers will be given a deadline 4-5 weeks before all performances. By that deadline, Angel will either ask you to perform the upcoming performance choeo in front of class in a rehearsal OR Angel may request a video submission of yourself doing the dance 3x’s in a row with no mistakes. Angel’s request may vary from performance to performance. This “audition process” will apply for ALL dancers (even for those who have already performed the choreography 10x’s before). If any dancers are not STAGE READY by deadline, Angel will ask the unprepared dancer to wait till the next performance. All Roman’s Soul performances must be stage-ready at least 3-4 rehearsals ahead of time.

  5. To be eligible to perform with Roman’s Soul, troupe members must attend at least 70% of technique classes AND 70% of rehearsals of its current session. If a troupe member has missed too many rehearsals/classes and wishes to complete the 70% attendance policy, he/she may do so by making it up in a private session with Angel . Rate of private sessions for rehearsals are $75 per class (additional studio rent fee may apply if applicable), however this rate/private slot can be split with another student to economize. If Angel is unavailable to conduct a private lesson, members may hold a private lesson under instruction of Angel’s current choro-captain. Angel must approve this lesson. Rates/location of the rehearsal with choreo-captain may vary.

  6. There is limited space in Roman’s Soul Troupe. Therefore, troupe member spots are not guaranteed after extended leaves of absences.

  7. Angel shall not be held liable for any failure of or delay in the performance of her duties if such failure, delay or cancellation is due to causes beyond including but not limited to hurricane, tropical storm, flooding, illness, strike, acts of God, war, labor disputes, government orders or any other force majeure event. If such circumstances should arrive, class/rehearsal will either be postponed to a future date or will be made up online at the day/date time set by Angel.

  8. (A) No refunds or prorates will given for missed classes. (B) Missed technique classes may be made up in any online technique class by G. Angel Roman within 90 days of purchase despite amount of classes provided throughout said 90 days. This missed class make up policy is for technique class only. Unforunately, the only make up which can be provided for a missed rehearsal is what was described above in #5.

  9. Please keep in mind that Angel spends countless uncompensated hours towards our troupe with other duties such as video/written critiques, creating/sending video tutorials, organizing upcoming shows, creating choreo and formations, ect.

  10. Angel reserves the right to remove anyone at anytime from troupe, class or performance with no refund.

    How to sign up:

  • Click the "Add to Cart" button.

  • Fill out the form.

  • Go to your cart to send payment.

  • Look for your email receipt shortly!